Happy Birthday, dear Evy! She loved every minute of the Happy Birthday song…
in spite of the candle falling off the cupcake halfway through!
(I had to put this picture first because the first picture
is what shows up on the blog link!)
Looks like she got ahold of cousin Kam's "sticky toy" from the goody bag!
I wanted to get a picture of these five….It was very difficult!
But Evy was certainly taking it seriously!
Brody finally sat down and he and Kam are both saying "cheese" (Kam is holding Brody's little brother Bentley, Brittany's new baby!) but look, Evy has turned away!
This was the best we could do! Sweet Bentley slept peacefully through it all!
Little Miss Evy looked like a little princess!
Evy loves food and headed straight for Brittany when she saw her plate!
This Nana made the cupcakes, and if I do say so, the cream cheese frosting was to
Just a few cameras on the little girl thoroughly enjoying the cupcake!
Cousin Kam is also a serious cupcake fan.
Oh yeah.
This girl was loving it!
Her smile just lights up our world!
Any grandma can relate to this fabulous feeling when you are honored with
a grandbaby's joyful smile and laughter!
Evy's other grandma is also enjoying the celebration!
She's really good at eating cake!
The "work" table - Steph's boss and co-workers love Evy (and Steph!) too!
(I didn't get good photos of other family and friends who were there….
no one likes pics of them eating so I honored them by not sharing!)
And there were other shenanigans going on…
Aunt Christina enjoyed some newborn snuggles from Bentley.
Evy is waiting for two more cousins to join the family in the next five weeks,
and I spotted the mamas with another friend who is also awaiting a blessed event!
Aunt Molly was the official photographer for their family pic,
and I'm sure she got better ones than I did! Evy likes to look at her daddy!
Great-Uncle Dave and Aunt Sandy got a fabulous rocking dolphin that Evy loved!
And of course the box it was in became an instant hit! Kam says, "I'm in a movie!"
Evy immediately came crashing in to join him.
She promptly took over the lead role!

She had some fun with Great-Uncle Dave.
And of course she let Kam have another turn in the spotlight. (That dress!)
That Uncle Dave is such a fun guy!
When the nearly everyone was gone and things were mostly cleaned up,
Kam spotted the balloons and shouted excitedly, "It's a party!"
It was indeed a wonderful party, celebrating a sweet beautiful girl
with her loving family and friends.
Evelyn, may God continue to bless your life and guide you with His love and wisdom.
We are so thankful for you and love you so much.