2007 Christmas Letter!
Dearest Friends,
Greetings from Amsterdam! It’s that time once again to reach out to all of you wonderful people across the sea, to touch you and as well be touched by you. And perhaps in the true fashion of my father, to as well touch on a nerve of good comedic taste in light of the Christmas season.
As most of you know, I am in Europe working with Youth With a Mission Holland. I am on a team of missionaries who have a vision to go to Curacao (an island off the coast of Venezuela , part of the Dutch Antilles) and start a missionary base, to house ministries and run Discipleship and Bible schools. It’s like a church planting project on Jesusteroids. We are currently in the beginning phase of preparation. We feel that God’s favor is on us here in Amsterdam and are allowing Him complete control in our lives individually and as a team as well. We have been networking with local Antillean churches and preparing for some future events. I will also attach our team newsletter. Hopefully the Lord graces you with the strength and energy to contend with the digestion of yet another piece of Christian literature!
This has been a time of much growth and challenge, not only for our team but for myself as well. I am somehow adapting to more than just the Dutch culture in this time. I am as well becoming aware of the culture of Christ, which so encompasses Youth With A Mission.
I recently attended a conference of a ministry called Nations2Nations (a ministry bred in YWAMAmsterdam by base leader Armando Benner) in Barcelona, Spain. It was an encouraging time, and in the city I saw God moving in practical ways. The importance of listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit in all situations was reaffirmed in my heart. I saw God moving and want so badly to see more of it.
In this next month I will start working with the Ethnos ministry here at YWAM Amsterdam. In this ministry there is much room for artistic endeavors and the witness of God’s aesthetic heart. I will be involved in outreaches in the city to the college students and the clubs. My heart is to ignite fire in the hearts of the youth and provide vision of God’s Spirit to young people whose eyes have become blind. I will send updates as my part in this ministry grows. I ask that you pray for open doors and protection as I become involved.
Also this month, our team will start work with “The Cleft”. “The Cleft” is a YWAM ministry geared toward working with the prostitutes, “the ladies at the windows and on the streets”, and also the homeless and drug addicted people. We need a protective shield of prayer over us as we begin this work. The Satanist church is very active in the Red Light District, praying curses over Christ’s church and those who do His work. We stand against all darkness in the authority and by the blood of Jesus. We ask also for your prayers of protection and encouragement as we serve God in this way.
As a team we want nothing to do with anything born out of our fleshly ambitions. All the things we will be involved with require the blessing and anointing of the Holy God of Israel. I ask you on behalf of my team to pray that our eyes are peeled, that we can truly discern God’s will and the actions He calls us to take at the moment.
There are many possibilities regarding the future of Islands2Nations (which, by the way, is the official name of the Curacao team’s ministry), but for now we take the decisive action of our first step. It is a time to build a firm foundation and serve with a whole heart.
It is a battle to maintain a constant intimacy with God, but this is exactly what my heart desires. I beseech you as well to pray that my hunger grows more and more every day. A strong appetite for God will ensure a constant consumption of His Word.
And as usual there is much needed financial aid. Christmas time is here and so is my EU visitors pass expiration! I need exactly 433 euros (634.56$) by the 18th of this month. I was informed of this on very short notice (this morning!) and have no other choice but to trust that God will provide. Then again, what better choice is there?!
Thank you for your support and prayers, and God bless you in this Christmas season. I would certainly love to spend it with you. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2:14.
Grace and peace to you....
-Craig McAnulty