I had to put up with a little harassment from my dear family. Somehow I didn't notice the baby shower invitations I bought were bordered with blue until I was addressing them. But it was kind of a silvery blue. And there were pink stripes on the back of the card! I guess I've just had too many years of gravitating to blue instead of pink!
Here's Jody, Melissa, Hope, Janelle and Anisa admiring Serena.

I wonder if it was the distasteful view of soiled diaper that caused my camera to give it's dying gasp. Dear niece Jody came up with the game of guessing what kind of chocolate candy was melted on the diapers. I had to sniff with my eyes closed. It just looked hideous. Hope couldn't look either, she said it made her sick. And as the mother of nine children, she has changed more diapers than any of us!

This picture of Serena was from a couple of weeks ago. She is so beautiful!

This weekend we finally got our family together for a birthday dinner for Eric, who has been 21 for two whole weeks now. Had some more family join us for homemade ice cream after dinner, and were fortunate enough to catch Dawn and Tavin just as they arrived in town. Twelve people did not fit on our deck, and accentuated how great it will be when Will gets out patio project done!

Here's the birthday boy Eric, who grows more handsome all the time. He moved into a house with three friends the beginning of the month and is quite enjoying it. A few days after he moved in, he proudly announced to me that he had eaten for less than a dollar the previous day - cereal for breakfast, ramen noodles for lunch, and his roommate gave him free pizza for dinner!

We know that God has great things in store for this special kid, now a man, who we love so much!