Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Even Really Stubborn People get Sick

If sheer determination and stubbornness prevented one from catching the seasonal ailments that go around, then I would never get them. (Not that I'm admitting to being stubborn.) I set my mind that I will not get sick and miss work. Perhaps it helps slightly, because I rarely catch anything that keeps me home more than a day or two. But last Wednesday at work, a dry cough kept erupting from me, and a headache wouldn't go away.

Maybe you've noticed that we are currently living in a social climate where any coughing, nose blowing, or related behaviors are greeted with more than distaste; some people become very alarmed. I did not feel very popular in the office that day, and it was just a dry cough! By the end of the day I knew for sure I was getting sick and was very happy to find that one sub who does a great job was available. I made arrangements with her to come in, optimistically saying to plan on just the morning because surely I'd be fine by noon. I came home and went to bed.

Hah. Optimism didn't help me either. Although I did tell her to plan on just the morning again the next day because surely I'd be fine by then. Double hah. Shortly after noon on Friday, my temperature reached its' high of 101.2, which really isn't bad. The next couple of days I felt very fortunate that I had a mild version of the ailment, with only a couple of hours a day with a fever, but constant extreme exhaustion and tummy aches when I tried to eat. But no upper respiratory symptoms - the dry cough even disappeared! And no nausea or other unmentionable digestive problems.

My dear husband treated me like royalty the first day that I was in bed, bringing me drinks and even an unsolicited pancake, and toast and chicken noodle soup when I asked. Texting was a great way to meekly communicate my simple needs, and oh the joy of his predictable response, "Yes, Princess." When I moved downstairs to the living room couch the next day, he was a bit less servile. I suspect he had been trying to keep me isolated. But I stayed out of the family room, never touching his recliner or his remote, washing my hands often and spraying disinfectant on surfaces I touched in the kitchen.

I considered staying in bed the next day hoping he would again wait on me hand and foot, but my back ached from being in the recumbent position for too long. At least on the couch you can vary from sitting and reclining!

I watched a lot of HGTV and Food Channel because they didn't require full time alertness to be enjoyable. It doesn't really matter if you doze off in the middle and miss the ending. Apparently the Food Channel had quite an impact on me because I tossed quite a slab of butter in the skillet tonight and sauteed some chicken tenderloins with garlic, lemon pepper, and a bit of thyme. It was so juicy and fabulous. I normally would have used just a small slosh of olive oil. The Food channel shows cook with a lot of butter. They seem to have no idea that it's really high in fat and calories. There is one fun show with a husband and wife bantering as they chop things and cook very fattening food together, swooning as they taste the delectable results. I would like that to be me and Will in our kitchen, without the cameras and fattening part. I felt kind of jealous. Actually, after a few days, I was jealous of everyone who was well and out of their house doing things.

HGTV helped me become extremely aware that my home is very dated and needs some updates before anyone would ever consider buying it. Fortunately it's not for sale. It's so '90s.

I had a very restful day yesterday, holding my breath that my temp wouldn't go up again. It didn't! I got up this morning at 5:30 feeling great. I saw myself in the mirror after my hair was done and make up on. My eyes were sparkling and I just looked great to myself! Craig was also sick yesterday, and his comment that "It's a good thing we look so good in sweats!" was very kind and amusing but not at all factual. I was really sick of seeing myself in the mirror looking sick!

The sunrise was streaking the sky with color as I drove to work this morning. The world was such a beautiful place. The office and the people there looked wonderful, and they were all very kind and happy to have me back. Although they cruelly pointed out that I missed out on the payday coffee that one teacher always brings us, and on the Krispy Kreme donut sale that happened Friday.

The in-box is very full but it's doable. Will and Nick are taking off for a week of hunting on Thursday, so I have plenty of time to catch up.

I love feeling good!!!

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