Hello, Friends
and Family. Welcome to the McAnulty Christmas Letter 2017 (With apologies for
the length of this missive…when Will saw the printed edited final version and
said “Gad zooks is it long enough” and I defensively replied, “hey I cut out
one of your paragraphs and shortened some of your run-on sentences.” (but failed
to mention I may have added a few of my own)…oh well, if anyone can get through
the whole thing it might be a Christmas miracle!
back, it has been a pretty busy year.
That might explain why it went by so fast. Or…it might be explained by the perspective
of old age. Without boring the reader with
abstract concepts about time and old age that I don’t understand myself, I will
just prattle on about the year we are reviewing.
January we took a vacation to Kauai with Galen and Carol. This was a lot of fun, but honestly I have
never seen so many chickens running around EVERYWHERE. The weather was great and the condo provided
ocean views and easy access to the beach as well as trails on oceanside cliffs. We were privileged to see the Waimea Canyon
without cloud cover. LeAnn was able to
scare other tourists with a bit of bizarre behavior related to the cliffs. (Now those were some cliffs! So thrilling…but
bizarre behavior? Not sure what he’s talking about, it all seemed perfectly
normal to me.)
We were able to eat at the most expensive places possible, shop for things we didn’t need, and relax at a pool that was warm and bathed in sunshine. Daily walks for the normal people, daily runs for those possessed by the fitness bug. Every morning at sunrise, while on vacation, tell me that’s not some kind of illness. (Why would anyone want to sleep through even one gorgeous tropical sunrise?)
I think Will forgot to mention the dear litle 70-something lady who he rescued when she got tired and disoriented while snorkeling! |
Aside from spending the vacation with some pretty nice people, it was relaxing and once again very hard to leave. I kept remembering all that snow and ice we had preceding the vacation. And then there was all that rain for months after we returned home!
After returning from Kauai, it was time to settle into the old grind and daydream about the next adventure (that word always worries me a bit). So it was off to Seattle by train in late March. Our usual habit is to go camping in March, but this year we tried something different. If you haven’t ridden by train in awhile (or ever) it’s worth the time. We drove five miles to the train station, hopped on the train and went to Seattle.
Stayed two nights in a nice hotel next to Safeco Field, used their shuttle to get around and saw the sights. We were able to spend some time with old friends Steve and Jan Buckley (who are not old and actually seem sorta ageless), and then took a nice train ride home. No worries about driving the freeway, finding a parking spot or figuring what exit to fight about taking. I highly recommend this sort of adventure.
April found us on another one of our family traditions – a weekend with the kids, grandchildren and all, to the rented house at the coast. It wasn’t the best house we have ever spent the weekend in but I expect it might be the quietest weekend in the foreseeable future. You see, this weekend marked the month before the number of our grandchildren doubled.
Stella was born to Molly and Eric on May 9th. What a lovely little girl, with a ready smile and a curiosity that keeps her on the move. She was here last Saturday and LeAnn remarked how nice it was to have a little one who didn’t go around and mess up the place. But there went Stella, crawling over to the fireplace ledge where she pulled herself up and tossed all the Christmas stuffed animals to the floor!
Stella |
With one grandchild born in May, we were determined to go camping over Memorial Day. It was not too far to get back if the next one came a few days early, and we took Kamden, our oldest grandson along just in case his brother decided to make an appearance while we were camping with Galen, Carol, Doug and Anisa. Also present at Casey’s RV Park were a host of sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters from Galen’s group. A great trip with an on-site soft ice-cream machine (which was taken advantage of to the fullest) and a Memorial Day bicycle parade enjoyed by all.
Ice cream with Kam's "friends", Jody's Jenna and Brenden. |
We returned from that trip to the birth of our fourth grandchild, Raylan, on May 30th. Good-looking boy, second son of Nick and Christina. It’s so much fun watching Kam be a big brother to this adorable little guy. Kam is now 3½, in preschool, ready to be a real grown-up police officer and put all the bad guys in jail. Never a dull moment!
and Steph’s little Evy, now 20 months old, also keeps us entertained, repeating
everything we say and constantly fearlessly climbing everything in her path. She’s enthralled by the Christmas lights,
saying “Cool!” over and over.
We absolutely love every minute we get to spend with these precious grandchildren. We kind of enjoy their parents too. Every Sunday that they come over to hang out with us is such an honor and a privilege and we are very thankful.
brought with it a really cool vacation to Canada, a two-week road trip with nephew
Duane (who had just graduated from George Fox College) and his parents, Doug
and Anisa. We took our new Suburban, staying
in motels en route and with LeAnn’s brother John and Betsy in Fort St. John, BC. It was a lot of driving but well worth the
time. Duane turned out to be a pretty
good navigator. His father and my wife still have a bit of improving to do with
that skill set. It appears Doug’s
fingers are a little too big for data entry on the GPS. LeAnn, although very skilled in so many
things, occasionally struggles when pressured to find North on a map. (Not true. I can find north. There just seems
to be technology glitches when I’m the navigator!)
Duane is the king of the selfie stick! |
Those Canadians know how to
picnic and are never afraid to drive for hours to find the right spot. I was amazed at the organized way they all
threw open the doors of their vehicles at the same time, got out, ran every
direction, man woman and child, and within minutes a fire was burning, food was
cooking and laughter was king. (And sometimes the kids were off climbing the
highest peak they could find.)
We spent
nearly a week with our Canadian relatives in and around Fort St. John B.C. and
had a great time, with activities from fishing to running to hiking to eating
to lolling around enjoying the views. (Our Canadian family is super fun, which
includes my brother Mark and Paula and their son Daniel, who we also got to see
along the way.) We also got to see our long-time friends Gene and Debbie Wark
in their new home town of Corvallis, Montana as we passed through.
brought a last minute, unexpected trip to Houston with another guy from church
to take some things down to the flood victims. We took the long way there via
Porterville California, Burbank, Albuquerque, and then Huston. It was quite a
trip in a 26-foot U-Haul. We flew back.
While we were gone, LeAnn and her niece Faith ran a half-marathon and they
claim they had a really great time. Go figure.
we took another fun camping trip to River Bend Campground near Sweet Home with
Galen, Carol, Doug and Anisa. Close to home, it makes it easy for our
kids/grandkids to come for the day.
Evy is a great little hiker! |
Gotta love my brothers! |
As it turned out, this was the last trip
out in our Cougar 5th wheel. Logging over 500 days in the past eight or is it nine years, it was time to look for something that would fit into a Forest Service
campground. But first I made a few improvements to the truck - after all you
wouldn’t want me to pull a new 5th wheel with the same old set up. I put in a spray in bed liner, new 5th wheel hitch,
toolbox, and cab rack. I think it looks pretty good now.
wedding to Rachel in October brought Mark and Paula for a visit and also
necessitated a trip to the coast for some crabbing. More great family times. Kam was awesome in the role of ring bearer.
Though he had a hard time figuring out whether or not he also got married to
Rachel, whom he adores! (“She’s so pretty!”)
after thinking about it for several months, we traded in the old trailer on a
new one at the end of October. This one
will be easer to get into Metolius River sites and perhaps other forest service
campgrounds we haven’t been able to get into.
It is shorter than the last 5th wheel but I think nicer. We took it to River Bend and out to the
coast on two November weekends and are looking forward to another coast trip
late in December.
am trying not to end the letter on a down note, but November 21st was Zeek’s
retirement date. He was a great dog but
his health this past six months led me to make the tough call and end his
duties to the family. The next pet will
be LeAnn’s choice. For now I think its best to follow my sister’s
advice and stick with stuffed animals.
Zeek is missed.
Our last family picture with Zeek, June 2017 |
He was so gentle with our babies. Evy loved him. |
Kam pretended to be a dog with him! |
Always ready and willing to clean up Kam's crumbs! |
Just hangin' out. |
Gee thanks for writing this letter
and ending there, Will! Now I’m supposed to bring it to a cheery conclusion?
Life is filled with ups and downs, with joys and sorrows, and we are very
thankful that the joys greatly outnumbered the sorrows this year. For our many
friends and families that suffered loss of loved ones and difficult
tribulations in the past year, we pray for comfort and peace. We are so
thankful for the love, health, family, and friends that we enjoy and we count
each day, each friend, each family member, as a special gift to be treasured. We wish you all a joyful Christmas and a new
year filled with the satisfaction of knowing the source of true joy and strength…Jesus,
the reason we celebrate Christmas.
Love, Will and LeAnn