Today was one of those days where I felt like I had a bit part in a soap opera about a middle school. There was drama swirling all around me, involving both students and staff, but I was just an onlooker dealing with the fallout.
It was a hectic day in general, with payroll paperwork due today. I also had to hurry and find last minute subs and coverage for various classes throughout the day. Fortunately we have terrific subs who can come in at the last minute and teachers who are very gracious about covering classes for others during their prep time.
With my position in the office, my actual contact time with students is usually fairly brief. However, today after a "girl fight", one of the combatants was in the conference room right across from my desk for two hours, and she was less than a delight, refusing to sit down or even stay in the room, constantly complaining that she was bored and how unfair it was that she was there. She even had the gall to tell me that I was getting on her nerves! I tried not to feel too happy when a policeman took her away in handcuffs. Truly, I hope she gets the help she needs.
I missed one young man who has been sent to the office every day this week. I'm not sure what he does in class, he is always very polite and personable in the office. Last Friday after the dance he came in requesting a refund on his $3 for admittance and pizza, due to a staff member's "unsatisfactory behavior". Earlier this week he told me I appeared quite giddy when I came back from lunch. Two days ago he was working on a project when I walked by the in-school suspension area, with a plastic cup, plastic fork and stapler. He told me I was interrupting a very delicate moment in his catapult building operation, "Or as I like to say, my catapork", pointing at the fork. Yesterday as he was walking out after a visit with the assistant principal, I told him I hoped the rest of his afternoon was good and he said, "Well, my parents didn't get called, and I'm not dead, so I'm feeling much better, thank you!"
Then there's the young man who is always a bright spot. An assistant is always with him, and when they come to the office about once a week, he asks us what our favorite color, ice cream, animal, etc. is. He is always very pleased if we say something that no one else has mentioned yet! Today when I came back from lunch with my impulse purchase of a couple of blooming hyacinths, I saw him heading into the office and I asked, "What's your favorite flower?" He replied with a big smile, "Roses!" I told him to come on in and I would show him my current favorite. He came in, enjoyed their fragrance, and asked what they were called. When I told him, he said, "Well, I can see why! High a scents!"
I often think of Helen, my good friend and our former office manager, who went to be with Jesus a year and a half ago. I still miss her. She loved all the kids so much, and was always able to find some good in the most unlovable kids. It does not come naturally to me as it seemed to come to her. I have to work on it, and I am determined to work harder on it. I have much admiration for my principal and assistant principal, because they both genuinely care about all the kids and maintain so much patience and positivity in spite of all the serious issues they have to deal with.
This year more than ever, I have so much respect for teachers who spend all day five days a week in overcrowded classrooms with lots of kids who are apathetic, disrespectful and sometimes downright annoying! They work very hard to keep the difficult kids in class and are so apologetic when they have to send them to the office to be dealt with. I admire the teachers at our school so much; they are a very caring and dedicated group of people. From where I sit, they are always extremely cooperative and helpful when I need anything. I am truly delighted to be working with this amazing group of people.
And of course, the majority of students are a delightful mix of personalities who are easy to care about. It's just that a few really difficult kids can quickly suck the joy out of your day.
I don't suppose the teachers in my building have any idea how much I appreciate the effort and energy they put into doing this very difficult and important job. Sometimes I get a little too focused on my own paperwork and deadlines and forget to be as helpful as I should. Fortunately, they have great personalities and some very highly developed senses of humor! The next couple of weeks leading up to Spring Break can be a little crazy, but I hope and pray that it will be calm and that they will all have a great break, coming back refreshed and energized for the rest of the school year! I love you, teachers, you are the BEST! As one of you likes to say, I hope you have a super fabulous weekend!