Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My Bear Story

A few weeks ago, I saw that the local newspaper (Albany Democrat Herald) was soliciting favorite outdoor stories and photos. I immediately thought of my bear encounter, so I paintakingly whittled my blog entry down to the requested 250 words. It appeared in Monday's Outdoor section.
They expertly cropped the photo to appear that I was much closer than I actually was! But it made me remember that I had never posted the whopping 18 seconds of video I took of the bears playing just before I snapped the photo that appeared in the paper. Here it is.

Words fail me to describe the awe and joy I felt to watch them romp around!

If you click the newspaper link below, you can see how much they improved my photo!

Outdoors 2012: 'Prvileged to watch them play' : Oregon Outdoors

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