Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Not Bored Anymore

It's great to have my husband back home. We were quite social over the weekend, attending the sheriff's office awards dessert on Friday night (where we were privileged to preview a foretaste of Will's next career as a "soft rock singer" after he retires, his first music video - "I'm So Ronery") It made me laugh til tears flowed. Saturday was the monthly pinochle party, where I won a prize for having the lowest score. Good times. Sunday Doug, Anisa and Duane came to visit. Nick and Uncle Doug engaged in a rousing thumb wrestling match. They both started on the couch, but Doug thumb wrestled him to the ground. I love the look on Duane's face. What you can't see is that he is wearing one of Nick's enormous size 13 shoes, exclaiming, "It's so roomy!"You will notice Nick got a haircut. His hair had been quite big and disorderly. He came home one day and said he needed a haircut right away. I asked what changed his mind. "I caught a glimpse of myself in the window when I was walking into school, and I just looked goofy!" was his reply. I wasted no time getting out the scissors.

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