Saturday, January 03, 2015

Kam in January 2015

Did I mention how much I missed this little guy on my recent two-week vacation? Fortunately his mama is really good about sending me pics of him. We got to see him Sunday and Thursday with other family, but I really needed some quality Nana time with him, so I talked Christina into letting me take him off her hands for about 24 hours starting yesterday afternoon.
Love this happy face so much!
He stands and walks around things. Sure wasn't doing that 2 weeks ago!
He really likes Zeek!
No fear at all of this enormous creature sticking his big face up to his.
He spent a good bit of time here, staring up the stairway like maybe he was weighing the odds of being able to climb all the way up there.
But then he noticed the silk plant and went for it instead!

After he got down safely under Nana's watchful eyes, he decided to help Papa load the dishwasher.
And he found a delicious cardboard book to chew on.

Today we went to his Great-Grandma Troyer's house. Five-year-old Serena assured me she is good at watching babies so she followed him around and reported when he got into anything he shouldn't, such as the newspapers/magazines under the end table.

We though he might go to sleep, he sat quietly on her lap for so long!

Precious, precious, precious! Kam will be 8 months old this month!

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