Not much going on around here that's of interest to the rest of the world. I am totally consumed with getting my yard and flowerbeds in shape and working on my scrapbook of Oswald family history for the reunion auction. My aunts and uncles have sent me old pictures and old stories. I'm having a great time. If only the rest of the responsibilities would go away so I could just do what I want!
I had to go to the West Albany band concert tonight. Once again, I felt pangs of guilt for my parenting failures. Eric asked why I was making dinner because there's a potluck before the concert. It was the first I'd heard about it. He didn't understand that a potluck means you TAKE food as well as EAT food. Other people signed up to bring food, he said. I got there a bit late - after seven years of two hour plus concerts, tonight I just didn't feel like sitting through the beginning bands, so I came a half hour late. Poor Will had to be in a meeting elsewhere. I had failed to inspect Eric before he left. He wasn't wearing his required bow tie and was wearing brown shoes instead of the required black. Why oh why can't he just conform to the expected standards? Has he lost his black shoes as well as his black tie? But on the positive side, a parent came and sat by me to let me know that her son is always talking about Eric and how cool and funny he is.
Things have gotten exciting around here a few times but I can't write about them because I must protect my family's privacy. Things like the hole in the door of the shed because someone forgot to put the vehicle in park while parking the trailer, the cut on someone's lip caused by the immediate need to shave when he discovered the first lone "mustache" hair.....but I must not talk of these things....
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Mother's Day

My parents and Linda met us at our house and they followed us as we drove about 25 minutes. I think it will be the last time we cram our three boys into the back seat of the Durango. There is not much leg room or much width and they just don't fit anymore! But fortunately we made it there and back with no major bodily injuries or permanent paralysis and almost no fighting.
It was a beautiful day, and the food was delicious. I was so looking forward to my favorite dessert in the world. The cheesecake finally came out....what a bitter disappointment. "That cheesecake came from Costco?" "No, I was already at Fred Meyer, so I picked one up there." I tried not to appear too ungrateful, but I'm pretty sure that if I should ever ask for a Costco cheesecake again, that's exactly what I'll get. I really couldn't complain too much when I had that great patio furniture in my back yard.
We took a little walk along the river, and we females took a few years off our life when I nearly stepped on a huge snake (at least two feet long!) as it slithered in front of me. Nick tried to catch it, and Craig of course protested for him to leave it alone in its natural state. It was faster than Nick so it was quite safe.
Thank you Will for providing the picnic and for taking the picture.
Motherhood is more challenging right now than it has ever been. I love my boys so much but often feel so inadequate for this most important role. I am so thankful that I can trust God for guidance and for the knowledge that He loves them even more than I do. He is in control, not me!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Thank you Doug
Today was one of those normal Saturdays, lots of housework and yard work to be done. I felt I had a little extra hook to get the boys to do a few extra chores. "Tomorrow is Mother's Day and the thing I want most is some cheerful willing (also known around here as "chilling" from my mis-speak a few years ago) help in the house and the yard." I got my chilling help all right. Will was gone helping somewhere else, and I realized today was the Tangent household disposal day where you could get rid of your junk. For a brief moment I was very annoyed that Will was not there to take care of it for me. I called my brother Doug to see if I could borrow his pickup. Not only could I borrow it, Anisa offered to deliver it to me. Wow. The boys loaded up junk I am ashamed to admit we have stored for years between our shed and the fence (trashed bikes, broken basketball hoop, a barbecue grill), plus junk that we actually use, such as ancient gross looking plastic lawn chairs. And at last the old couch is out of the garage! They loaded this mess all by themselves.
Eric really wanted to drive the pickup the half mile to the dumping spot, so I let him, uttering words of caution about every five seconds. (He and Nick both believe that he is a better driver than I am. Ah, silly youth.) They insisted I stay home and let them do the second load alone for some reason.
(A fun little break just occured. Teri called wanting to borrow some tinfoil. I went downstairs and got it. I opened the door to wait outside for Brittany. She had her hand raised to knock on the door and we nearly collided. She almost had a heart attack and we had a good laugh.)
I got myself a little riled up about all the junk we had collected. I am sick of having old plastic chairs and tables on my deck and patio. I remembered that last year I requested a patio set for Mother's Day. We shopped for one but I kept waiting for a great deal or a yard sale find and never got one. I determined that I would have a patio set in time for Mother's Day this year. When we got done with our required work, I sent Eric grocery shopping and I made the rounds of all the stores that sell yard furniture. It was a tough decision. Three hours and eight stores later, I made my choice. (It was even on sale.) I returned to Sears, where I had the delightful experience of running into a former Memorial student (who came to the office frequently), all grown up and working. This charming scamp gave me a hug and was very happy to see Mrs. McAnulty. He pointed out that he even has whiskers now. I noticed the other male employee there also had several days worth of growth, much like my own Eric, whom I had just spoken to on the phone and reminded that he must shave before he went to work. Apparently he's not alone in failing to shave daily. This young man recalled Eric and said the Cheese Song (Eric's first original number, performed in 8th grade at the school talent show) was the greatest song he'd ever heard. He began to sing it. But once again I digress.
I called my faithful brother Doug (what would I do without him!) He brought the pickup over and loaded it up. I was a bit concerned briefly because the young male employee with the lovely waist-length pony tail (black except for the red bottom 3 inches) helping load said, "This doesn't make sense to me, but the box with the table top says "Do not lay flat." So I guess you'll have to eat with the table sideways. It just doesn't make sense." Okay then.
Doug and Duane put the side table together and Nick assembled the big table. It looks lovely, but we will probably have to build a bigger deck and patio now! Nick and Jeremy had a blast playing hide and seek with the big box it came in, rolling each other around in it. It's good to have a little kid to play with when you have a great big box.
Will was very happy when he came home and sat in his new reclining chair outside gazing at the stars. I think he's getting inspired to get that unsightly drift boat out of the back yard. I may not even have to give that ultimatum I was about to deliver!

(A fun little break just occured. Teri called wanting to borrow some tinfoil. I went downstairs and got it. I opened the door to wait outside for Brittany. She had her hand raised to knock on the door and we nearly collided. She almost had a heart attack and we had a good laugh.)
I got myself a little riled up about all the junk we had collected. I am sick of having old plastic chairs and tables on my deck and patio. I remembered that last year I requested a patio set for Mother's Day. We shopped for one but I kept waiting for a great deal or a yard sale find and never got one. I determined that I would have a patio set in time for Mother's Day this year. When we got done with our required work, I sent Eric grocery shopping and I made the rounds of all the stores that sell yard furniture. It was a tough decision. Three hours and eight stores later, I made my choice. (It was even on sale.) I returned to Sears, where I had the delightful experience of running into a former Memorial student (who came to the office frequently), all grown up and working. This charming scamp gave me a hug and was very happy to see Mrs. McAnulty. He pointed out that he even has whiskers now. I noticed the other male employee there also had several days worth of growth, much like my own Eric, whom I had just spoken to on the phone and reminded that he must shave before he went to work. Apparently he's not alone in failing to shave daily. This young man recalled Eric and said the Cheese Song (Eric's first original number, performed in 8th grade at the school talent show) was the greatest song he'd ever heard. He began to sing it. But once again I digress.
I called my faithful brother Doug (what would I do without him!) He brought the pickup over and loaded it up. I was a bit concerned briefly because the young male employee with the lovely waist-length pony tail (black except for the red bottom 3 inches) helping load said, "This doesn't make sense to me, but the box with the table top says "Do not lay flat." So I guess you'll have to eat with the table sideways. It just doesn't make sense." Okay then.
Doug and Duane put the side table together and Nick assembled the big table. It looks lovely, but we will probably have to build a bigger deck and patio now! Nick and Jeremy had a blast playing hide and seek with the big box it came in, rolling each other around in it. It's good to have a little kid to play with when you have a great big box.

Friday, May 05, 2006
Surprise Brother
I love it when something good happens to completely change your day. Galen called me at work yesterday (causing me a moment of concern because he doesn't ever call me at work) and said he had just received a call from John telling him that John was flying to California and had a four hour layover in Portland that afternoon. Did I want to go to Portland to meet him for dinner? But of course. So Galen, Carol, Linda, Mom, Dad and I met at Home Depot at 3:30. I left my car parked by the road to get maximum exposure on my gigantic magnetic door sign "RE-ELECT TIM MUELLER LINN COUNTY SHERIFF". We piled into the parents Crown Vic, reliving sweet memories of our rental car during our visit to Indiana for our baby brother's wedding last summer. Our hearts yearned for our brother Mark (from Alabama). It just wasn't the same all squished together without him leaning in on the corners. We would have called him but apparently we really aren't a very close family. None of us had his number in our cell phones. (Sorry Mark.)
So we fought the big city traffic and finally got to the airport. Brother Dave had beat us there. We settled on the Panda Express. We were all sitting there eating and chatting it up when I realized John was not in his chair and hadn't been there for awhile. It seemed a little sad to have a dinner in his honor and have him miss much of it, but I guess sometimes nature calls at inopportune times. He was able to be there for all of dessert (frosties from Wendies) and coffee. (Sorry John.)
It was really good to see him, and I especially felt good about learning that he hadn't realized his layover was in Portland instead of Vancouver until just that morning. It sounds like the type of thing that would sneak up on me. I'm still feeling quite proud that I was the one that reserved all the campsites at South Beach for our last campout and nothing went wrong. I haven't been allowed to reserve or plan any group outings for many years. Just because of an enthusiastic impulsive invitation to a bunch of friends to camp at Kah Nee Ta (site unseen) about 20 years ago that ended up with camp sites that were baking hot little spots in the sage brush without much water close by. Then there was another incident about 10 years later at Fort Stevens where we discovered upon arrival that I had failed to notice we had been given tent sites instead of trailer. Thank God for the KOA across the road. The two families with us were very forgiving of course and have continued to hold me in high esteem. But I digress.
So we eventually said our goodbyes and began the trek back to the car. We made it safely in spite of a little thrill with Galen and I trying to help Linda on the up escalator that could have been really ugly, but we all gracefully regained our balance, though we were all close to taking a group fall for a moment. Then when Galen went to stick his parking ticket in the machine to pay it, he had a little trouble. The ticket was a little too wide and too flimsy - well, no wonder, it said "Panda Express" on it!
Then we took a little detour (either 10 or 20 minutes off the freeway depending whether you listen to Galen or Carol, I forgot to time it) to Kenny and Melissa's home just in time to see the gorgeous colors of the sunset from the wonderful view off their deck. Little Tamarick was very glad to see his grandparents, and he was gracious enough to hold my hand when I asked him to help me down the steps as we were leaving. Another very cute and smart little great-nephew!
I am very wordy. One day I will learn to make short blog entries.
So we fought the big city traffic and finally got to the airport. Brother Dave had beat us there. We settled on the Panda Express. We were all sitting there eating and chatting it up when I realized John was not in his chair and hadn't been there for awhile. It seemed a little sad to have a dinner in his honor and have him miss much of it, but I guess sometimes nature calls at inopportune times. He was able to be there for all of dessert (frosties from Wendies) and coffee. (Sorry John.)
It was really good to see him, and I especially felt good about learning that he hadn't realized his layover was in Portland instead of Vancouver until just that morning. It sounds like the type of thing that would sneak up on me. I'm still feeling quite proud that I was the one that reserved all the campsites at South Beach for our last campout and nothing went wrong. I haven't been allowed to reserve or plan any group outings for many years. Just because of an enthusiastic impulsive invitation to a bunch of friends to camp at Kah Nee Ta (site unseen) about 20 years ago that ended up with camp sites that were baking hot little spots in the sage brush without much water close by. Then there was another incident about 10 years later at Fort Stevens where we discovered upon arrival that I had failed to notice we had been given tent sites instead of trailer. Thank God for the KOA across the road. The two families with us were very forgiving of course and have continued to hold me in high esteem. But I digress.
So we eventually said our goodbyes and began the trek back to the car. We made it safely in spite of a little thrill with Galen and I trying to help Linda on the up escalator that could have been really ugly, but we all gracefully regained our balance, though we were all close to taking a group fall for a moment. Then when Galen went to stick his parking ticket in the machine to pay it, he had a little trouble. The ticket was a little too wide and too flimsy - well, no wonder, it said "Panda Express" on it!
Then we took a little detour (either 10 or 20 minutes off the freeway depending whether you listen to Galen or Carol, I forgot to time it) to Kenny and Melissa's home just in time to see the gorgeous colors of the sunset from the wonderful view off their deck. Little Tamarick was very glad to see his grandparents, and he was gracious enough to hold my hand when I asked him to help me down the steps as we were leaving. Another very cute and smart little great-nephew!
I am very wordy. One day I will learn to make short blog entries.
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