Sunday, June 03, 2007

WAHS Class of 2007 Baccalaureate

Two boys down, one to go. Bacalaureate (what a strange word) lasted about 95 minutes, too much of it a slide show that went on forever. Why didn't everyone stick to the request for only three pictures per person like I did? Here's one that I sent in of Eric and his long time friend/day care buddy Taylor when they were angels in the Christmas musical.
The name of Jesus was lifted up by the student and staff speakers and the plan of salvation was presented by Mr. Roberts, the basketball coach who happens to attend our church.

And here's Eric in the robe he wore tonight!
Afterwards we picked up some pizza at Papa Murphys, where we are the fortunate recipients of a 30% discount on everything, due to our son's employment there. Thank you Eric. We all enjoyed pizza at our house.

Nick and a friend stayed home to continue working on a Romeo and Juliet video project they are doing for their English class. (I am quite excited to be featured in a starring role as a nurse, coming out of a room and shrieking "Juliet" three times.) When we arrived home Eric discovered what they were doing he couldn't believe it. "What is this! Nick is allowed to stay at home alone with a girl and play Romeo and Juliet!"

In the past, we had a hard and fast rule that our boys were not to be home alone with female guests. We have relaxed it with Nick a few times such as tonight when common sense tells us that working on a project with a girl he's been friends with since infanthood is 99.9% worry free. Besides that, Nick is the baby of the family, and we must live up to the stereotype, spoil him rotten and let him do whatever he wants! For three more precious years!

1 comment:

SAHM said...

AMen to that! :) Congratulations Eric! I'd say the picture you picked was probably alot tamer than some other ones you have in your collection..:)