Sunday, October 23, 2005

Petty Irritations

Some days I'm easily irritated by the people I love. I'm irritated with Will because he set up this blog but hasn't written in it since that weekend. I was irritated with Eric this morning. I went to church early for worship team and when I saw Eric after church he had greasy hair and was wearing a "Foo Fighters" t-shirt. He overslept and had no time to shower. Nick really irritated me because I interupted what I was doing to pick him up at 4:00 and discovered plans had changed and I was supposed to pick him up at 5:00 but he had failed to notify me. But nothing was as bad as last weekend's problem. A bright teal crayon in a pocket, undiscovered until the load of pants finished drying. Do I expect crayons in the wash with teenage boys clothing? Apparently when Eric spotted this crayon it brought happy memories so he stuck it in his pocket. Of course, the pants that were the worst were brand new khaki pants belonging to Nick. The dryer was a mess also. Eric was on a late shift at McDonalds so I couldn't make him clean it up. Will flung open all the doors and windows while accusing me of trying to kill everyone in the house with the fumes of the first cleaner I tried to use. I tried boiling water, an iron with a paper bag, baking soda, vinegar, Oxy Magic spray, Spray and Wash Solid. After the third treatment with Spray and Wash it was acceptably faded.

But flowers always soothe my troubled soul! I was cleaning out flower beds today and had to save all the good ones so I made a few bouquets with dahlias, cosmos and roses when I came in. I'll take a bunch to work tomorrow.

1 comment:

SAHM said...

If you ask me, those sound like very legitimate irritations. :) Your flowers are very pretty! I just caught Tavin putting my rolling pin back into the drawer after they were rolling playdoh all over the table...I'll have to do an "orage discoloration" search of everything in that drawer now. Keep up the entertainment! This is a great way to keep up with you guys!