Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veteran's Day

Veteran's Day took on a new meaning for me in 2005. It was the first time someone near and dear to me was serving our country in active combat. I contributed a picture of my nephew, Marine Lance Cpl. Tyler Troyer, for the church slide show honoring veterans, and felt a whole new level of pride and respect for veterans. Less than two weeks later, on November 19, 2005, came the tragic news that Tyler's life had ended.

Last week I went to the mall for a quick fun shopping lunch break, but it changed into a teary and sober contemplation when I ran across this tribute showing "The Faces of the Fallen" right in front of the store where I was shopping when I received the phone call about Tyler's death.
 The names and photos were arranged by month and year, and it didn't take me long to find Tyler.
Looking at all those names and pictures, and thinking of how many loved ones were changed forever through all these losses is very sobering and heartbreaking. I honor the courage displayed and the sacrifices made in the ongoing quest to keep our country free and strong.
In my own little world, I show this honor and respect by tending the little flower garden at the flag memorial in the park behind our house, and more importantly, by praying for his family and other veterans and active military personel. May God comfort them and bless them all in a very special way on this Veteran's Day.

(You can read the memorial plaque here:  "So Much Better!" )

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